We are exceptionally honored to announce that Professor Bogdan Góralczyk, another long-time supporter of the Warsaw-Beijing Forum and a prominent guest of our various events, has agreed to become an Honorary Member of our project.
Professor Góralczyk is a sinologist and a political science expert with a lengthy experience in international relations and diplomacy. He has gained his academic titles at our Alma Mater, the University of Warsaw. His professional career commenced in 1984 at the Polish Institute of International Affairs. He then worked in a diplomatic mission in Budapest as a head of its political department and a deputy ambassador. In the years 2003–2008, he served as the Polish Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand with additional accreditation in the Philippines and Myanmar.
Professor Góralczyk is also a highly active author and publicist. His best known works are: Pekińska wiosna 1989 – Bejing Spring 1989 (1999), Węgierski pakiet – Hungarian Box (2000, Hungarian edition 2001), Polska-Chiny. Wczoraj, dziś, jutro – Poland-China. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (2009; English edition 2014), Złota Ziemia roni łzy – esej birmański (Golden Land sheds tears – A Burmese essay (2011, seconded, updated edition 2021), Wielki Renesans. Chińska transformacja i jej konsekwencje – Great Rejuvenation. Chinese transformation and its consequences (2018, English edition in print), Nowy Długi Marsz – Chiny ery Xi Jinpinga – New Long March. China of the Xi Jinping Era (2021).
Mr. Góralczyk, we are beyond grateful for your support and expertise, which have helped to elevate many of our initiatives and the whole Forum in general. The honor is entirely ours to grant you the title of an Honorary Member in recognition of your remarkable contribution.
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