Chińskie inwestycje na rynku nieruchomościowym w Polsce – spotkanie z ekspertką SDZLEGAL Schindhelm

Date: 21th March 2024
Language: polish

Czy otoczenie prawne w Polsce i Chinach sprzyja inwestowaniu przez chińskie firmy i osoby fizyczne w polskie nieruchomości? Czy polskie nieruchomości mogą być atrakcyjne dla chińskiego inwestora?

Podczas spotkania z Dr Agnieszką Łuszpak-Zając omówimy, czy sytuacja ekonomiczna i przepisy prawa w Polsce i Chinach sprzyjają inwestowaniu przez chińskie firmy i osoby fizyczne w polski rynek nieruchomości.
Dowiemy się także w jaki sposób polski rynek nieruchomości jest atrakcyjny dla chińskiego inwestora, jakie czynniki o tym decydują i jakie korzyści mogą przynieść inwestycje w nieruchomości na naszym rodzimym rynku przez chiński kapitał.
Będziemy także krok po kroku omawiać procedurę nabycia nieruchomości w Polsce przez chińską osobę fizyczną lub prawną. Przedstawimy kluczowe etapy tego procesu, niezbędne dokumenty i formalności, oraz omówimy potencjalne wyzwania i ryzyka. Dodatkowo, podzielimy się statystykami dotyczącymi chińskich transakcji nieruchomościowych w Polsce, aby zaprezentować aktualną sytuację na rynku i perspektywy rozwoju tej branży.
Dr Agnieszka Łuszpak-Zając jest partnerem w kancelarii SDZLEGAL Schindhelm. Kieruje działem umów handlowych oraz działem nieruchomości. Na co dzień doradza spółkom polskim oraz zagranicznym w kwestiach dotyczących prawa umów, prawa cywilnego znajdujących zastosowanie do umów o roboty budowlane, prawa dotyczącego rynku nieruchomości oraz inwestycji zagranicznych. Specjalizuje się w prowadzeniu negocjacji, doradztwie przy zawieraniu umów oraz ich wykonywaniu. Jest autorką licznych publikacji z zakresu prawa cywilnego, w szczególności dotyczących problematyki zawierania umów.


Prawo muzułmańskie w Chinach i muzułmanie w prawie chińskim – spotkanie z dr Włodzimierzem Cieciurą

Date: 18th May 2023
Language: polish

Dr Włodzimierz Cieciura jest adiunktem w Zakładzie Sinologii UW. Stopień doktora uzyskał na podstawie rozprawy „Muzułmanie chińscy wobec nowoczesności. Między radykalizmem i chińskim nacjonalizmem. 1893-1957”. Jest autorem pierwszej polskiej monografii poświęconej muzułmanom chińskim „Muzułmanie chińscy. Historia. Religia. Tożsamość”. Jest także członkiem European Association for Chinese Studies oraz Association for Asian Studies. Dr Włodzimierz Cieciura jest Opiekunem Sinologicznego Koła Naukowego UW.
Wydarzenie organizowane jest przez Koło Naukowe Prawa i Gospodarki Chin (Warsaw-Beijing Forum) oraz Sinologiczne Koło Naukowe.

Życiem społeczności muzułmańskich w Chinach rządzą dwa zupełnie różne systemy prawne. Ich codzienne funkcjonowanie jako wyznawców islamu regulowane jest przez prawo religijne (szari’at), oraz przez chińskie prawo państwowe, które przyznaje im określony status jako obywatelom nowoczesnych Chin, a także sankcjonuje funkcjonowanie ich instytucji religijnych. W trakcie niniejszego wykładu omówione zostaną pokrótce najważniejsze kwestie związane z tymi dwoma odrębnymi, ale spotykającymi się w Chinach, rzeczywistościami prawnymi. Przedstawione zostaną najważniejsze tradycje prawne muzułmanów chińskich oraz ich historyczna ewolucja, a także stosunek prawa lokalnego do wyznawców islamu na przestrzeni dziejów.

Jak podróżować po Chinach? Spotkanie z Weroniką Truszczyńską

Date: 19th April 2023
Language: polish

W związku ze wznowieniem wydawania wszystkich rodzajów wiz dla obcokrajowców podróżujących do Chin, serdecznie zapraszamy na wydarzenie organizowane wraz z Weroniką Truszczyńską, polską youtuberką, która od kilku lat mieszka w Szanghaju.
Weronika Truszczyńska jest sinolożką i influencerką, która od 8 lat na stałe mieszka w Szanghaju. W swojej działalności przedstawia tematy istotne dla współczesnych Chin, przybliżając je widzom w Polsce. Jest autorką książki “Oswoić Smoka”, w której pokazuje obraz Państwa Środka z unikatowej perspektywy osoby w nim mieszkającej. Prowadzi kanał na Youtubie, gdzie zebrała blisko 400 tysięcy obserwujących, i od ponad 5 lat ukazuje swoje codzienne życie w Chinach. Dodatkowo jest współprowadzącą podcastu Mao Powiedziane, poświęconego tematyce współczesnych Chin.
Podróżowanie po Chinach zdecydowanie różni się od podróżowania po Europie. Brak znanych Polakom aplikacji, ciągłe odrzucanie kart płatniczych i zupełnie inna kultura mogą sprawić niemałe kłopoty. W najnowszym ebooku, Weronika opisuje swoje doświadczenia, aby pomóc przygotować się do wyjazdu turystom wybierającym się do Państwa Środka. Zebrane przez nią na przestrzeni lat doświadczenie z pewnością będzie doskonałą podstawą przy szykowaniu się do wymarzonej wyprawy. Dzięki ebookowi nie tylko nic Was już nie zaskoczy, ale też będziecie gotowi stawić czoło wszelkim wyzwaniom podczas samego pobytu.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w wydarzeniu stacjonarnie lub oglądania spotkania na żywo na jednym z naszych fanpage’ów. Wydarzenie będzie transmitowane na żywo dzięki współpracy z partnerem Warsaw-Beijing Forum, Wadecki Productions.

Seeing climate regimes as a business opportunity – meeting with Ms. Zhonghua Du

Date: 19th January 2023
Language: english

Do you participate in the debate of climate change?
Are you interested in how it is related to the shift of law and business?
We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming event organized by the Warsaw-Beijing Forum (Students’ Organization for Law and Economy of China) regarding climate change related lawsuits and how they can create a new wave of business possibilities. The meeting will be conducted by Ms. Zhonghua Du.
Ms. Zhonghua Du is a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam and researches the history of corporate responsibilities in international law. She has studied in Beijing, Oxford and Amsterdam. Her interests concentrate primarily on international law, human rights law, climate change with addition of a market based perspective. Ms. Zhonghua Du has also written comprehensive research papers focused on the aforementioned subjects.
The discussion around climate change every year is getting more heated. Different perspectives of parties to this conflict of interest, can influence the perception of this topic by the wider public. Getting to know better how the matter of law, economy and nature are related can expand the understanding of this complex problem. The changes to international law on transnational corporations and climate change have a long history and they are still happening. As a result of this extensive process new economic possibilities are arising and adding on yet another perspective.

Smart Courts – meeting with Ms. Fan Yang

Date: 17th January 2023
Language: english

Do you take interest in China’s law and judiciary system?
Are you up to date with modern innovations and news on this subject?
We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming event organized by the Warsaw-Beijing Forum (Students’ Organization for Law and Economy of China) focused on the disruptive idea of smart courts, that has recently started developing as a great part of China’s judicial system reform. The lecture will be given by a China University of Political Science and Law graduate, Ms. Fan Yang, who is now a PhD Candidate at one of the oldest universities of Europe – University of Cologne.
Ms. Fan Yang is Master of Law and now studies The Development of Smart Courts at the University of Cologne. She has also studied at the University of Lund within the students exchange program. She’s an author of publications on anti-discrimination law in Scandinavia, the United States and China. Ms. Fan Yang is currently fascinated by smart courts and researches on its impact on the Chinese judiciary system and how they can impact the supervision mechanism towards judges and society.
The concept of smart courts has been planned to be implemented as a part of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the judicial reform in China. Its main idea is to digitalize and informatize the functioning of courts. One of the examples of an attempt to implement this concept are the online trials, electronic case-filing or even block-chain evidence storage platforms. The idea of smart courts is an extremely extensive topic and its economic and social impact is still being researched by academics worldwide.

Studia w Chinach – AsianShip

Date: 17th December 2022
Speakers: Aleksander Starzyński (President of Asianship z. o. o.)  Zhou Young (President of CCN) Krzysztof Karwowski (alumnus of Asianship)
Language: polish, english

During the webinar dedicated to their new educational offer, we could learn not only about the recruitment process, types of scholarships, courses and internships, but also get acquainted with the experience of the program’s past participants. There was also time for a Q&A session during which participants asked many questions to broaden their knowledge.

Special thanks go to the president of Asianship sp. z o.o. Mr. Aleksander Starzyński, who described in detail this year’s offer of courses and opportunities for cooperation with Chinese universities. We also express our gratitude to Mr. Zhou Young, President of China Campus Network, who opened the meeting with an interesting lecture on Chinese e-commerce exemplified by Alibaba. We would also like to thank Mr. Krzysztof Karwowski, who, as an alumnus of the program, talked about his experiences gained during studying in China.

Judiciary and arbitrage in China

Date: 1 of December 2022
Language: English

W związku ze wznowieniem wydawania wszystkich rodzajów wiz dla obcokrajowców podróżujących do Chin, serdecznie zapraszamy na wydarzenie organizowane wraz z Weroniką Truszczyńską, polską youtuberką, która od kilku lat mieszka w Szanghaju.
Weronika Truszczyńska jest sinolożką i influencerką, która od 8 lat na stałe mieszka w Szanghaju. W swojej działalności przedstawia tematy istotne dla współczesnych Chin, przybliżając je widzom w Polsce. Jest autorką książki “Oswoić Smoka”, w której pokazuje obraz Państwa Środka z unikatowej perspektywy osoby w nim mieszkającej. Prowadzi kanał na Youtubie, gdzie zebrała blisko 400 tysięcy obserwujących, i od ponad 5 lat ukazuje swoje codzienne życie w Chinach. Dodatkowo jest współprowadzącą podcastu Mao Powiedziane, poświęconego tematyce współczesnych Chin.
Podróżowanie po Chinach zdecydowanie różni się od podróżowania po Europie. Brak znanych Polakom aplikacji, ciągłe odrzucanie kart płatniczych i zupełnie inna kultura mogą sprawić niemałe kłopoty. W najnowszym ebooku, Weronika opisuje swoje doświadczenia, aby pomóc przygotować się do wyjazdu turystom wybierającym się do Państwa Środka. Zebrane przez nią na przestrzeni lat doświadczenie z pewnością będzie doskonałą podstawą przy szykowaniu się do wymarzonej wyprawy. Dzięki ebookowi nie tylko nic Was już nie zaskoczy, ale też będziecie gotowi stawić czoło wszelkim wyzwaniom podczas samego pobytu.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w wydarzeniu stacjonarnie lub oglądania spotkania na żywo na jednym z naszych fanpage’ów. Wydarzenie będzie transmitowane na żywo dzięki współpracy z partnerem Warsaw-Beijing Forum, Wadecki Productions.

W związku ze wznowieniem wydawania wszystkich rodzajów wiz dla obcokrajowców podróżujących do Chin, serdecznie zapraszamy na wydarzenie organizowane wraz z Weroniką Truszczyńską, polską youtuberką, która od kilku lat mieszka w Szanghaju.
Weronika Truszczyńska jest sinolożką i influencerką, która od 8 lat na stałe mieszka w Szanghaju. W swojej działalności przedstawia tematy istotne dla współczesnych Chin, przybliżając je widzom w Polsce. Jest autorką książki “Oswoić Smoka”, w której pokazuje obraz Państwa Środka z unikatowej perspektywy osoby w nim mieszkającej. Prowadzi kanał na Youtubie, gdzie zebrała blisko 400 tysięcy obserwujących, i od ponad 5 lat ukazuje swoje codzienne życie w Chinach. Dodatkowo jest współprowadzącą podcastu Mao Powiedziane, poświęconego tematyce współczesnych Chin.
Podróżowanie po Chinach zdecydowanie różni się od podróżowania po Europie. Brak znanych Polakom aplikacji, ciągłe odrzucanie kart płatniczych i zupełnie inna kultura mogą sprawić niemałe kłopoty. W najnowszym ebooku, Weronika opisuje swoje doświadczenia, aby pomóc przygotować się do wyjazdu turystom wybierającym się do Państwa Środka. Zebrane przez nią na przestrzeni lat doświadczenie z pewnością będzie doskonałą podstawą przy szykowaniu się do wymarzonej wyprawy. Dzięki ebookowi nie tylko nic Was już nie zaskoczy, ale też będziecie gotowi stawić czoło wszelkim wyzwaniom podczas samego pobytu.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w wydarzeniu stacjonarnie lub oglądania spotkania na żywo na jednym z naszych fanpage’ów. Wydarzenie będzie transmitowane na żywo dzięki współpracy z partnerem Warsaw-Beijing Forum, Wadecki Productions.

W związku ze wznowieniem wydawania wszystkich rodzajów wiz dla obcokrajowców podróżujących do Chin, serdecznie zapraszamy na wydarzenie organizowane wraz z Weroniką Truszczyńską, polską youtuberką, która od kilku lat mieszka w Szanghaju.
Weronika Truszczyńska jest sinolożką i influencerką, która od 8 lat na stałe mieszka w Szanghaju. W swojej działalności przedstawia tematy istotne dla współczesnych Chin, przybliżając je widzom w Polsce. Jest autorką książki “Oswoić Smoka”, w której pokazuje obraz Państwa Środka z unikatowej perspektywy osoby w nim mieszkającej. Prowadzi kanał na Youtubie, gdzie zebrała blisko 400 tysięcy obserwujących, i od ponad 5 lat ukazuje swoje codzienne życie w Chinach. Dodatkowo jest współprowadzącą podcastu Mao Powiedziane, poświęconego tematyce współczesnych Chin.
Podróżowanie po Chinach zdecydowanie różni się od podróżowania po Europie. Brak znanych Polakom aplikacji, ciągłe odrzucanie kart płatniczych i zupełnie inna kultura mogą sprawić niemałe kłopoty. W najnowszym ebooku, Weronika opisuje swoje doświadczenia, aby pomóc przygotować się do wyjazdu turystom wybierającym się do Państwa Środka. Zebrane przez nią na przestrzeni lat doświadczenie z pewnością będzie doskonałą podstawą przy szykowaniu się do wymarzonej wyprawy. Dzięki ebookowi nie tylko nic Was już nie zaskoczy, ale też będziecie gotowi stawić czoło wszelkim wyzwaniom podczas samego pobytu.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w wydarzeniu stacjonarnie lub oglądania spotkania na żywo na jednym z naszych fanpage’ów. Wydarzenie będzie transmitowane na żywo dzięki współpracy z partnerem Warsaw-Beijing Forum, Wadecki Productions.

We invite you to the upcoming event organised by the Hanglung Law Biernat & Kossacki and the Warsaw-Beijing Forum (Students’ Organization for Law and Economy of China) concerning the judiciary and arbitration in China. The meeting will be led by attorney Liwei Cai, the only Chinese citizen registered as a foreign lawyer in Poland on the list kept by the Warsaw Bar Association.

Attorney-at-law Liwei Cai is a Senior Partner at the Shanghai Hanglung Law Offices law firm specialising in direct foregin direct investments in China. He represents foregin entities in resolving disputes before Chinese courts and arbitration institutions. Moreover, he is an advisor for Chinese entities on their investments or commercial activities abroad. Attorney Liwei Cai is a supporter and activist for good relations between Poland and China, he conducts meetings in China on the Polish market and law. The meeting will take place in the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw.

Tigers United 5

Digital marketing conference

Date: 29 September 2022

Warsaw-Beijing Forum continues cooperation with Tigers United and will be a partner for Tigers United 5 conference, which will take place online on the 29th of September.

This event will be the largest online business-marketing network in Poland, which shows that the key to success is customer-bonding. The conference agenda is based on the experiences of genuine business practitioners, who will provide knowledge derived from their own observations. A special guest Joey Coleman, whose book “Never Lose a Customer Again” is a well-known bestseller, will attend the conference to enrich each participant with his broad knowledge. Post-conference materials will be provided for attendants, which will help to organize information gained during the panels.

We kindly encourage you to get familiar with the schedule available on the website https://tigersunited.pl.

In addition we offer our Followers a special discount code for this event: ODTYGRYSA25, available for the implementation at the following link: https://app.easycart.pl/checkout/tigers/tigers-united-5?promo=1

Digital Law & Policy

Proportionality Principle In IT Regulation

Date: 10-11 September 2022

We are more than happy to announce joining the Organizing Committee of „Digital Law & Policy – Proportionality Principle in IT Regulation” conference, organized by our Alma Mater, the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, under the honorary patronage of the European Data Protection Supervisor and the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Poland.

The conference aims to answer the question: what the proportionality principle means for information technologies and digital economy regulation. The event will bring together scholars from different disciplines dealing with regulatory issues related to information technologies. This interdisciplinary perspective will help answer how to effectively and proportionately regulate IT and the digital economy.

This unique event will be held at the University of Warsaw on 10-11.09.2022.

More information can be found here: www.digitallawpolicy.wpia.uw.edu.pl

Web3 Devs Poland Meetup

Founders Edition

Date: 13 July 2022
Language: Polish

Web3 as a new generation of the Internet, in which the web is decentralized and developers own the content, is gaining popularity. Warsaw-Beijing Forum arranged a meeting with the first Polish community for web3 developers – Web3 Devs Poland. During the event, participants met and listened to founders and experts from the web3 industry. After the talks and Q&A, networking and refreshments were provided. The meeting took place on July 13 2022, at 18:00 in the Faculty of Law and Administration at Warsaw University.

Event recording

Date: 21-22 May 2022
Language: English

The People’s Republic of China along with the European Union are the most rapidly-developing global innovators, which draw strength from each other. With thousands of ingenious companies, they are constantly improving the world. Innovations and progressive thinking are indispensable parts of shaping the new reality which we can tangibly experience. Furthermore, improvement can be noticed in various areas of life from nutrition to economy and politics. Our main aim is to bring you closer to current and upcoming changes in the world of constant development. We want to show how innovation is implemented in everyday life and outline potential developments for each field. In the aftermath, you will be a part of the change shaping the future.

Therefore, the Warsaw-Beijing Forum and the Students’ Organization for Law and Economy of China at the University of Warsaw are exceptionally pleased to invite you to this year’s conference Infinite Dimensions – International Innovation Summit.

The event is scheduled for 21-22 May 2022 and takes place online on the platform Gridaly.

Website  •  Join as an active participant  •  Join as a passive participant

Innowacje w prawie: Telemedycyna

Innovations in Law: Telemedicine 

Date: 21 April 2022, 19:00
Speakers: (1) Andrzej Balicki, PhD, (2) Jolanta Dąbrowicz, (3) Piotr Czulak
Language: Polish

On April 21st at 7 pm Warsaw-Beijing Forum in cooperation with the renowned international law firm DLA Piper will hold the first introductory lecture to the conference Infinite Dimensions – International Innovation Summit.

The lecture will be conducted by world-class experts in the field of the regulatory market:

  • dr Andrzej Balicki, Partner Litigation & Regulatory, Legal Counsel
  • Jolanta Dąbrowicz, Senior Associate Litigation & Regulatory, Legal Counsel
  • Piotr Czulak, Senior Associate, Intellectual Property & Technology, Legal Advisor

If you want to know more about legal changes in telemedicine, innovative technologie s of recent years in this area or the legal framework and practical aspects of the functioning of the medical sector – sign up via Google forms.

Empire of Innovation. 

How the world’s oldest civilization becomes a global development leader

Date: 23 February, 2 March, 9 March 2022
Speakers: Leszek Ślazyk, Bartosz Komasa
Language: Polish

If you want to learn more about China-related innovation, attend this event entitled An empire of innovation. How the world’s oldest civilization becomes a global development leader, organized in cooperation with RSM Poland.

RSM Poland is part of RSM – a leading network of independent consulting and auditing companies, which has over 820 offices in 120 countries and employs 48,000 specialists worldwide. It is also the 10th largest audit company in Poland (according to the Ranking of Audit Firms of the Rzeczpospolita daily on April 27, 2021). RSM Poland also has the China Desk, an organization coordinating the work of all RSM Poland service lines, focusing on efficient communication with Chinese investors in their native language.

The event consists of a series of three meetings concerning:
1. Chinese investments in Eastern Europe. Guest: Bartosz Komasa, date: February 23, 2022, at 20:00.
2. The New Silk Road. Guest: Bartosz Komasa, date: March 2, 2022, at 20:00.
3. E-Juan. Guest: Leszek Ślazyk, date: March 9, 2022, at 20:00.

Facebook event  •  Application form

Index Investment Challenge

Date: 1-31 March 2022

We are proud to remind that Fundacja GPW (the GPW Fundation) has became our partner. GPW Foundation’s main goal is the development and adaptation of the educational offer through the organization of projects for students and supporting university graduates in contacts with the market.

8th Edition of Warsaw-Beijing Forum is supporting innovations and mainly focuses on technology advances, so we’re even happier that we have the honor to be a partner of the GPW Foundation’s latest initiative: INDEX Investment Challenge. It’s a contest, in which you can examine your knowledge and win a range of financial prizes, as well as an internship in the GPW. In order to take part in the contest, fill in the questionnaire: www.iichallenge.gpw.pl.

We warmly encourage you all to take part in this unique initiative.

Facebook post  •  Questionnaire

Chinese New Year of The Tiger 

Date: 1–2 February 2022
Organizers: Huqiao, Tigers
Language: Polish

We are excited and extremely proud of another unique event that we were a partner of – New Year of the Tiger. Together with Huqiao and Tigers, we were honored to invite you to celebrate the Chinese New Year together with a chance not only to start the Year of the Tiger dynamically in the company of top-class marketing experts but also, thanks to the acquired knowledge, to make the whole year a breakthrough for one’s career! The celebrations lasted two days, during which the conference included as many as 7 presentations with Q&A sessions, 2 discussion panels, 2 sessions of consulting with mentors, all under the watchful eye of 16 Tigers specialists.
The first day of the event was devoted to freelancers and marketing practitioners and was focused on optimal activities for smaller companies. On the other hand, we dedicated the second day to marketing managers and directors, because the topic of our talks was connected with large budgets, long-term strategies and even global ambitions. If you wanted to find out how to effectively operate on both small and large budgets, what to expect in digital marketing in the near future, it was the best opportunity to ask the best experts in the e-commerce and business development industry focused on China and invited guests.

China Desk – an alternative path for legal career

Date: 14 December 2021
Speaker: Aleksandra Ryżkowska, LL.M.
Language: Polish

The event China desk – alternatywna ścieżka kariery prawniczej was an initiative organized by the Warsaw-Beijing Forum in cooperation with the well-known and respected Kochański & Partners law firm. The meeting was hybrid – members of the Warsaw-Beijing Forum had the opportunity to visit the K&P office in Warsaw, while the rest of the people willing to participate could connect via the Zoom platform.

During the meeting, the specificity of the China Desk was presented. Ms. Aleksandra Ryżkowska, LL.M., the head of China Desk at Kochański & Partners, presented the realities of work in the field of servicing entities and projects related to the Chinese market. The participants also learned what is involved in working in such an interesting and future-oriented specialization, and what the Chinese business and legal culture looks like in practical terms.

Ms. Aleksandra Ryżkowska talked about her experience and the prospect of working at the China Desk. On a daily basis, she deals with the development of a network of international contacts and cooperation with foreign partners. She is also responsible for the supervision and promotion of the law firm on foreign markets, with particular emphasis on Asian markets.

The event was organized by: (1) Warsaw-Beijing Forum, (2) Kochański & Partners, (3) Students’ Organization for Law and Economy of China.

Study in China with Asianship and China Campus Network 

Date: 4 December 2021
Speakers: Sabrina Yang (Vice President of CCN), Effy Zhu (Operations Manager of CCN)
Language: Polish

On the 4th of December, the Students’ Organization for Law and Economy of China (Warsaw-Beijing Forum) had an opportunity to co-organize the webinar „Study in China with Asianship and China Campus Network”.

During the event university students, high school students, as well as their parents had a chance to get a glimpse of the recruitment process and studying at Chinese universities. Our special guests Sabrina Yang, Vice President of China Campus Network, and Effy Zhu, Operations Manager of China Campus Network, introduced CCN and showed the countless benefits of studying in China.

One of the Asianship Studia w Chinach founders showed the available offer for the upcoming year, explained what International Foundation Programme and University Enterprise Alliance are and revealed the scholarships possible to get by Polish students. The participants also had the amazing opportunity of listening to graduates of Chinese universities, who shared their experiences and pieces of advice.

Transatlantic Workshop 2021 

Date: 5 November 2021
Language: Polish

On the 5th of November, the Students’ Organization for Law and Economy of China (Warsaw-Beijing Forum) had an opportunity to coorganize the IV edition of the international scientific seminar – Transatlantic Workshop. The Transatlantic Workshop gathered guests from both sides of the Atlantic. During the two panels the invited experts presented their research and debated on various topics concerning transatlantic cooperation in the post-pandemic world. Through the discussions concerning cybersecurity, policies of the transatlantic countries, the researchers representing European and American universities presented their perspectives on how to find a common language to overcome new global enemies like climate change or COVID-19 and how to develop cooperation with rising global players like China. People’s Republic of China was mentioned as a strategic partner for transatlantic relations.

The Transatlantic Workshop could not take place without the support of Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych and SGH Warsaw School of Economics which hosted our conference.

People’s Republic of FinTech – FinTech sector in China

Date: 22 May 2021
Speakers: Dr Filippo Addarii, Prof. Douglas W. Arner, Dr Michał Nowakowski, Laura Xiaolei Liu
Language: English

On the 22nd of May,  Students’ Banking Law Association, Students’ Organization for Law and Economy of China and Warsaw Beijing Forum had an opportunity to co-organize a panel discussion concerning Chinese financial technologies.

The discussion addressed topics such as:

  • reasons for Chinese supremacy in the FinTech market,
  • possibility of implementing the Chinese model of digitalization in Western countries,
  • prominent Chinese FinTech companies and services they offer,
  • the most significant risks connected with the new technologies,
  • law and its adaptation to ongoing changes in the financial technologies market.

The event was organized by: (1) Warsaw-Beijing Forum, (2) Students’ Banking Law Association, (3) Students’ Organization for Law and Economy of China;
Partners: (1) Asian Institute of International Financial Law, (2) PlusValue, (3) Gridaly

Chinese Business Week

Date: 18-20 May 2021
Speakers: Michał Będkowski, PhD, Wojciech Wrochna, Katarzyna Barańska
Language: Polish

Chinese Business Week was a three-day workshop organized by Warsaw-Beijing Forum in cooperation with School of Law and Economy of China and a well-known law firm Kochański & Partners, which was tremendously fascinating and informative. A lot of students participated, as well as others interested in regulations regarding investments in Poland and the European Union, opportunities and challenges that Chinese investors are facing, and environmental issues. 

Chinese Business Week was a series of lectures focusing on a business relationship between Poland and China, regarding mostly legal matters and topics. Within three meetings, we had an opportunity to broaden our scope of knowledge in fields such as foreign markets, energy infrastructure, or environmental protection, due to intriguing lectures conducted by our speakers: Michał Będkowski, Wojciech Wrochna and Katarzyna Barańska from Kochański & Partners. Thank you all for participating and your activity during the event. 

The 5G Implementation Level (Stan wdrożenia 5G

Date: 27 April 2021
Speaker: Aleksander Jakubczak (Huawei Poland)
Language: Polish

5G is another step of mobile technology development, allowing for faster data transmission with almost no delays. The use of 5G will make it possible to develop more advanced technological solutions such as self-driving cars, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Virtual Reality.

The implementation of 5G in Poland is planned for the next couple of years. Although the implementation of this complex socio-economic process will be challenging, it will allow for automation of the work force and the shift of human capital from low-value-added professions and activities to high-value-added industries.

Since 2012 Huawei has been the world’s biggest manufacturer of telecommunication devices and significant global scale producer of hardware and IT solutions.

It ranks among the pioneers of 5G, consistently developing innovative, comprehensive solutions with a view of building a world of intelligent connections. The company has already opened 11 5G R&D centers around the world. The coronavirus pandemic has inhibited the implementation of the 5G network in Poland on the first of the target frequencies, which is why this step is planned to be made only in 2021. However, this does not change the fact that the topic of 5G still raises a lot of controversy and questions.

On 27th of April Aleksander Jakubczak – the director of 5G solutions in Huawei Poland talked about the benefits of 5G technology and the gradual global implementation process. The event was organised by: (1) Warsaw-Beijing Forum, (2) Huawei Poland, (3) Students’ Organization for Law and Economy of China

Understanding the mindset of Chinese Consumers

Date: 24 March 2021
Speakers: Professor Alan Barrell, Professor Vincent Yip, Henry O’Farrell
Language: English

Consumer trends around the world are in flux. Contemporary China is changing dynamically. Chinese middle class is developing rapidly. The importance of e-commerce is increasing what has been additionally intensified by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this webinar, we focused on an inevitable aspect of our lives – consumerism. More precisely, consumerism in the People’s Republic of China.

We were honoured to welcome Professor Alan Barrell, Chairman of Cambridge Learning Gateway, whose broad expertise surely made the meeting highly interesting and educational. Prof. Barrell teaches in various universities around the world and has broad experience in managing large multinational companies and smaller start-ups. His current work is focused on the commercialization of research, technology start-ups and trade development between the UK and China, and international relations in general.

Our second guest was Henry O’Farrell, a final year Marketing student at York University, who presented his interests and research on consumer behaviour and provided a marketing response to it. He has work experience in China and wrote a Case Study entitled “Developments in Online, Social Media Marketing in China and the West: An Overview of Different Approaches”. Our third guest, who participated in the discussion panel, was Professor Vincent Yip – Lecturer at Stanford Continuing Studies and Adjunct Professor at Nanyang Technology University and formerly Visiting Professor at Northwestern University’s Kellogg Business School. He was the founding Executive Director of the Singapore Science Park and served as Singapore’s Deputy Ambassador to the European Community and the Vatican. His main Research Interests are Project Management, Cross-Cultural Management, The Silk Road and Dunhuang, China’s Economic Policy, Ethnic Groups of China, Disruptive Innovation and the Silicon Valley. The event was organised by: (1) Warsaw-Beijing Forum, (2) Koło Naukowe Psycholog w Biznesie (Psychologist in Business Science Club), (3) The Cambridge Learning Gateway, (4) School of Law and Economy of China, (5) Polish Research Centre for Law and Economy of China


Professor Piotr Grzebyk  
Project Academic Supervisor
Phone: +48 506 019 551
Mail: p.grzebyk@wpia.uw.edu.pl

Zuzanna Pudło  
Main Coordinator of the Project
Phone: +48 ‭535 665 603


Professor Zhang Li
Project Academic Supervisor

Su Hanting
Shu Ni
Lan Tianze
Beijing Team Coordinators
Mail: wbfpress@163.com