It is an honour for our entire Organization to announce that Prime Minister Janusz Piechociński, our long-time supporter and well-wisher, has accepted the invitation to become an Honorary Member of the Warsaw-Beijing Forum!
Prime Minister Janusz Piechociński is an economist with many years of experience in economic analysis and investment promotion. He served as the Minister of the Economy and Deputy Prime Minister of Poland from 6 December 2012 to 16 November 2015. In the years 2012-2015, he was the President of the Polish People’s Party. During his service in the Ministry of Economy, he led multiple business missions, focusing on promoting Polish export and strengthening economic ties. He mainly fostered trade relations between the countries.
Since 2016, he has been holding the position of the President of the Poland-Asia Chamber of Commerce (also known as Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa Polska-Azja). Its mission is to deepen the Polish companies internationalization. The Chamber helps its members efficiently match demand and supply by identifying the needs and connecting them with reliable business partners.
Mr. Piechociński, we are truly grateful for your unceasing support through the years and we are looking forward to strengthening the cooperation with the Chamber.
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