WBF & Tisco: Czym jest znak towarowy?

WBF & Tisco: Czym jest znak towarowy?

Czym jest znak towarowy i czemu służy?       Rejestracja znaku towarowego to niewątpliwie jedno z ważniejszych działań jakie musi podjąć przedsiębiorca, aby móc prowadzić handel z Chinami. Ale czym właściwie jest znak towarowy? Najprościej mówiąc, to oznaczenie, które...
Map of China: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei

Map of China: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei

From high mountains and glaciers to deep valleys and deserts – China’s geographic diversity is quite astonishing. In this series we will embark on a virtual journey of discovery through various provinces and cities of China. We will get to know the local...
Chinese New Year Celebrations

Chinese New Year Celebrations

Traditionally, the constant changes in the shape of the moon were a sign of the passage of time for the Chinese people. The cold and warm weather, the growth and ripening of crops led to the observation of months and years. As the season of rebirth, both for the earth...
What is the Warsaw-Beijing Forum?

What is the Warsaw-Beijing Forum?

Polish-Chinese relations consist of not only high level meetings, but also multiple bottom-up initiatives, whose founders work hard everyday to deepen the relations between those two countries. One of the most prominent initiatives of this kind is the project of the...
Intro to Polish-Chinese relations

Intro to Polish-Chinese relations

Polish-Chinese political relations Nowadays, political relations between People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Poland are close. In 2011, the Polish-Chinese cooperation has gained the status of a “strategic cooperation”, signifying its importance to both...
Selected aspects of foreign investment regime in Poland

Selected aspects of foreign investment regime in Poland

Legal forms of conducting economic activity in Poland The Act on Freedom of Economic Activity sets out general rules applicable to all individuals and entities carrying out business activities in Poland. There are specific regulations set out in the Act that are...